Once again, here we are, and I feel I must open with another apology for the lack of posts I’ve been putting up. I assure you, it’s not because I’m trying to shelter you from bad news, or anything like that. The truth is (aside from being busy), there just hasn’t been much to tell. Which is a very good thing!
I know, I should be updating you with good news as well, so yeah…sorry. Wolf has been doing well, still growing, still not breaking any bones. We haven’t been going to many doctor appointments lately because there just hasn’t been a reason. And we thank God every day for that.
But we did get back on Monday from a four-day trip to Portland, Oregon, where we attended our first OI Foundation National Conference. You can check out the OI Foundation through the link on the right of the page if you’d like. The OIF puts on this conference every other year. It is a gathering for people with OI and their supporters. There are fun social events and great speakers who address important aspects of living with OI.